How to Hypnotize Someone to Stop Smoking

How to Hypnotize Someone to Stop Smoking

“Stop smoking” is a command that is definitely easier said than done by the millions of people around the world who are addicted to the nicotine found in cigarettes. Most smokers are well aware that smoking is bad for them but breaking the habit is hard. One possible solution is smoking hypnosis. Through hypnosis, a person can be given a suggestion to convince them not to smoke any more. Learning how to hypnotize someone to stop them from smoking is not as difficult as you might think.

Things You'll Need:

Quiet environment

Comfortable seating


Find a quiet location. The location for hypnosis should be free of distractions. Ideally, the subject should be comfortable in this place. Being away from noise,
, other people and bright lights is important because these distractions can break the hypnosis and prevent the subject from relaxing completely.


Ask the subject to sit down and be comfortable. The person can either sit down or lie down depending on how you prefer working and on what makes him most comfortable. Tell him to get as comfortable as possible before you begin.


Turn down the lights. The glare of bright lights shining on the subject can keep him from going into a deep enough hypnosis. You don’t need the room to be completely dark but if you can turn down the lights or turn off some of the lights, it will help the process.


Begin talking in a soft, slow, soothing tone. You want to keep your voice very calm and relaxing as you speak. Your voice should be very close to monotone; you don’t want a great deal of changes in terms of pitch. Maintain the same voice throughout the entire process.


Start the relaxing process. Hypnosis is basically about relaxing the conscious mind completely. There are a number of ways to do this. You can begin by telling the person to imagine they are in a very relaxing surrounding. For example, you might say, “Imagine you are sitting under a shade tree in a field of grass and flowers. A cool breeze is fluttering your hair. You lie back and feel the damp dew of the grass on your body. You feel totally calm and peaceful.”


Continue the relaxation process. Once they have pictured this very relaxing spot, begin telling them to relax each part of their body. Walk them through the process slowly and always maintain that calm voice.


Check their level of relaxation. Ask the subject to do something simple like moving their hand or wiggling their finger to make sure you have them under your command.


Give the suggestion. If the subject wants to stop smoking, so you need to use a suggestion that will help them do this. For example, you could say, “Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, you will be happy if you eat a piece of gum.”


Reverse the process. Once you’ve given the suggestion, you can start de-hypnotizing the person. Simply begin going backwards through the steps you took to help them reach a deep level of relaxation. Go slowly and keep talking in the same relaxing voice.

Tips & Warnings

Picking people who believe hypnosis is real will increase the odds that he or she will stop smoking as a result of this process.

Learning how to hypnotize someone is not difficult but if it does not work, you may want to consult a professional hypnotist before giving up on the approach.

Do not use smoking hypnosis on anyone who does not want to stop smoking. Even if the suggestion would work, which would be unlikely, the results would not be long lasting.