How to Herbal Sleep Remedies

How to Herbal Sleep Remedies

A good nights sleep is essential to feeling good and being productive thru out the day. There are safe, effective herbal remedies that can aid in getting to sleep and staying asleep. Along with the herbs are a few things you can do to help get that all elusive sleep.

Things You'll Need:

melatonin supplement



Melatonin is produced in our bodies to help regulate our sleeping and waking cycles. Take as directed aprox. 20 minutes before bedtime. DO NOT TAKE WITH OTHER SLEEP AIDS.


Passionflower is also used as a sleep aid. Add 5-10 drops of tincture to a glass of warm water shortly before bedtime.


There are other ways that you can help your body and mind switch off the day and ready itself for sleep. Treat yourself well, especially after a stressful day. Spend the evening reading, listening to music.


Take a warm bath. Add lemon-balm,
or valerian extract to your bath water. Keep the lights low or light candles scented with lavender or vanilla.


Create an ideal sleeping environment. No electronic gadgets in the bedroom. Move the computer, television and any work related objects out of the bedroom. Soft lighting, clean sheets, a cool room with a fan is much more relaxing. Shut the world out of this room as much as possible for a better nights sleep.

Tips & Warnings

set a relax routine it might take a little while to learn to relax

meditation can help quite a busy mind

lavender sprayed on pillows and sheets can be relaxing

cut the caffeine except in a.m.