How to Hypnotize Someone to Stop Smoking

How to Hypnotize Someone to Stop Smoking

“Stop smoking” is a command that is definitely easier said than done by the millions of people around the world who are addicted to the nicotine found in cigarettes. Most smokers are well aware that smoking is bad for them but breaking the habit is hard. One possible solution is smoking hypnosis. Through hypnosis, a person can be given a suggestion to convince them not to smoke any more. Learning how to hypnotize someone to stop them from smoking is not as difficult as you might think.

Things You'll Need:

Quiet environment

Comfortable seating


Find a quiet location. The location for hypnosis should be free of distractions. Ideally, the subject should be comfortable in this place. Being away from noise,
, other people and bright lights is important because these distractions can break the hypnosis and prevent the subject from relaxing completely.


Ask the subject to sit down and be comfortable. The person can either sit down or lie down depending on how you prefer working and on what makes him most comfortable. Tell him to get as comfortable as possible before you begin.


Turn down the lights. The glare of bright lights shining on the subject can keep him from going into a deep enough hypnosis. You don’t need the room to be completely dark but if you can turn down the lights or turn off some of the lights, it will help the process.


Begin talking in a soft, slow, soothing tone. You want to keep your voice very calm and relaxing as you speak. Your voice should be very close to monotone; you don’t want a great deal of changes in terms of pitch. Maintain the same voice throughout the entire process.


Start the relaxing process. Hypnosis is basically about relaxing the conscious mind completely. There are a number of ways to do this. You can begin by telling the person to imagine they are in a very relaxing surrounding. For example, you might say, “Imagine you are sitting under a shade tree in a field of grass and flowers. A cool breeze is fluttering your hair. You lie back and feel the damp dew of the grass on your body. You feel totally calm and peaceful.”


Continue the relaxation process. Once they have pictured this very relaxing spot, begin telling them to relax each part of their body. Walk them through the process slowly and always maintain that calm voice.


Check their level of relaxation. Ask the subject to do something simple like moving their hand or wiggling their finger to make sure you have them under your command.


Give the suggestion. If the subject wants to stop smoking, so you need to use a suggestion that will help them do this. For example, you could say, “Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, you will be happy if you eat a piece of gum.”


Reverse the process. Once you’ve given the suggestion, you can start de-hypnotizing the person. Simply begin going backwards through the steps you took to help them reach a deep level of relaxation. Go slowly and keep talking in the same relaxing voice.

Tips & Warnings

Picking people who believe hypnosis is real will increase the odds that he or she will stop smoking as a result of this process.

Learning how to hypnotize someone is not difficult but if it does not work, you may want to consult a professional hypnotist before giving up on the approach.

Do not use smoking hypnosis on anyone who does not want to stop smoking. Even if the suggestion would work, which would be unlikely, the results would not be long lasting.

How to Hypnotize People

How to Hypnotize People

Ancient civilizations believed that hypnosis was a way to alter the human state of mind, in order to promote subconscious healing of the body. Unfortunately, much of today's society views hypnosis as no more than a parlor trick. But what many do not realize is that they are in a hypnotic state several times a day! Any time you find yourself staring, or driving and not remembering how you got there because your mind was wandering, you were actually in a hypnotic state! Best described as an altered state, in which the mind is relaxed and focused, hypnosis can be one of the most useful tools our brains have to offer us. Breaking habits, pain management, anesthesia and healing progression, can all be enhanced by the use of hypnosis. By using the power of suggestion, hypnosis can create a relaxed state that can help the receiver overcome a multitude of obstacles. The following article will help teach you how to hypnotize people, in order to encourage the benefits of subconscious healing.

Things You'll Need:

Comfortable hypnosis area

Gentle voice

Proper consent from the individual that you will be hypnotizing


Create a relaxed setting for your hypnosis to take place. Soft lighting and a quiet area with no distractions will work best


Speak gently and ask the person that you wish to hypnotize to relax. You want your hypnotized subject to feel completely comfortable, relaxing all muscles and their mind.


Ask the person to close their eyes and breath deeply in and out, again promoting further relaxation.


Take notice as to whether the person seems to be completely relaxed of entranced. If so, you are ready to begin the more vocal part of hypnosis. The question and answer, or power of suggestion. Using your words to "suggest" relief of pain or stress from the subjects mind.


Close the session by suggesting a word that will break the trance like state. Such as, "When I say the words 'open your eyes,' you will leave this level of consciousness and regain a full state of mind."


Encourage the person at sessions end, to believe in the power of hypnosis. To understand that by allowing their mind to relax and accept the power of suggestion, that they may be able to reap the benefits of hypnosis.

Tips & Warnings

Be sure that the person that you want to hypnotize completely agrees and wants to be hypnotized!

Keep the area that you want to use for hypnosis free and clear of obstructions or anything that may be dangerous to someone in a hypnotic state of mind.

Make sure the person is completely awake and has full awareness before you allow them to leave the hypnosis area.

How to Hypnotize People to Do Stupid Things

How to Hypnotize People to Do Stupid Things

When you hypnotize people, you make them forget about their surroundings and focus on you and your directions. Getting people to do simple yet stupid things, like flap their arms like a chicken, is easy when hypnotizing them. Making people do more elaborate things, such as impersonating another, is a little harder.


Find a method of hypnotizing you're comfortable with. has a downloadable book that includes several methods for hypnotizing.


Ask someone to be hypnotized. It's much more difficult to hypnotize someone who doesn't wish to be hypnotized than someone who's willing.


Choose a comfortable environment with dim lighting in which to proceed. The person you're hypnotizing must be able to relax and be comfortable.


Follow your method of hypnotism and hypnotize the person. Don't rush this process; it only makes it more difficult. Use a calm and relaxing voice and make sure the person you're hypnotizing is ready to proceed.


Once the person is completely hypnotized, have them do something. Start with a simple command like "Touch your nose with your finger."


Suggest more difficult and goofy tasks. Make sure that you're not asking her to do something that she could not do in a normal conscious state. You don't have superpowers or unnatural abilities when you're hypnotized.

Tips & Warnings

The first few times you hypnotize a person, keep the sessions short. Let yourself and the person you're hypnotizing get comfortable with the environment.

How to How to Use Silica Homeopathic Tincture

How to How to Use Silica Homeopathic Tincture

Silica homeopathic remedy may be useful if you have recurring colds, flus or ear infections that hint at a weakened immune system. Silica is also appropriate if you feel you lack physical or emotional strength. It will also help remove irritating items from the body, such as splinters.
Silica was originally ground from common rocks including quartz and sandstone, and contains silicon dioxide.Today, silica is generally manufactured in a lab.


Determine if your immune system is weakened. If you have chronic colds, flus and other illnesses, this may mean you need to rebuild your immunity.


Assess if you fit the "silica personality." Homeopathic remedies are recommended based on physical and emotional symptoms, and there are also profiles of common traits. The silica personality complains of frequent exhaustion and not having physical stamina. She may feel coldness very intensely and may obsess over small details. She may fear failure and have a tendency towards shyness.


Obtain silica homeopathic remedy at a health store, online or a pharmacy (see Resources below). You can buy any homeopathic remedy as an alcohol-based tincture or as sweetened pellets. Take either the tincture or the pellets under the tongue and allow to dissolve.


Avoid mint products such as mint-flavored gum or toothpaste. Avoid coffee or caffeine, as this will also prevent the homeopathic remedy from taking hold. This includes using health and
products such as a mint-scented shampoos and hair conditioners, facial masks or hand lotions.


Keep a journal to record how you feel. Note the dosage and what remedy you are taking. Start with the lowest suggested dosage. Note how you feel over the course of about a week. If you believe your symptoms are not improving or worsening, see a licensed homeopath or your physician.

Tips & Warnings

Silica will eliminate artificial substances from the body, so it is not advisable to take it if you have stitches or other artificial things in your body.

How to Hold Fire

How to Hold Fire

Eastern meditation can teach people how not to feel pain. People can go into such a deep trance that their heartbeat seems to stop. Meditation is a solitary experience of the mind over the body. When a person meditates, their eyes are closed and their mind becomes empty of all reality.

Things You'll Need:

Flammable liquid

Charcoal brick

Book of matches


Purchase the basics needed to hold fire-lighter fluid, alcohol or anything else that is flammable. You can also use a piece of coal moistened with a flammable substance.


Start with a piece of coal and moisten it with lighter fluid. Not too much-even with one coal brick a flashback of fire can occur.


Decide if you are just a crazy person. A crazy person will bobble the coal back and forth from hand to hand.


Study Eastern meditation and learn how to put yourself into a trance where you feel no pain. It will take years for you to master meditation enough to feel no pain.


Spray a flammable liquid on to your hand. Don't let it soak into your skin; you will want to have a light ready.


Strike a match and set the flammable fluid on fire. If you are not in a meditative trance, you will begin to feel pain very shortly. Put the fire out as soon as you feel the painful heat of the fire.


Plan to have an assistant if you have gained the knowledge and experience to meditate yourself into a trance. Once you are in your trance the assistant will help you pour the flammable liquid and light the fire.

Tips & Warnings

Use hand sanitizer as your flammable liquid-you are less like to receive blisters.

If you feel the pain of a burn put the fire out instantly-don't let the fire burn until you get blisters.

How to Herbal Sleep Remedies

How to Herbal Sleep Remedies

A good nights sleep is essential to feeling good and being productive thru out the day. There are safe, effective herbal remedies that can aid in getting to sleep and staying asleep. Along with the herbs are a few things you can do to help get that all elusive sleep.

Things You'll Need:

melatonin supplement



Melatonin is produced in our bodies to help regulate our sleeping and waking cycles. Take as directed aprox. 20 minutes before bedtime. DO NOT TAKE WITH OTHER SLEEP AIDS.


Passionflower is also used as a sleep aid. Add 5-10 drops of tincture to a glass of warm water shortly before bedtime.


There are other ways that you can help your body and mind switch off the day and ready itself for sleep. Treat yourself well, especially after a stressful day. Spend the evening reading, listening to music.


Take a warm bath. Add lemon-balm,
or valerian extract to your bath water. Keep the lights low or light candles scented with lavender or vanilla.


Create an ideal sleeping environment. No electronic gadgets in the bedroom. Move the computer, television and any work related objects out of the bedroom. Soft lighting, clean sheets, a cool room with a fan is much more relaxing. Shut the world out of this room as much as possible for a better nights sleep.

Tips & Warnings

set a relax routine it might take a little while to learn to relax

meditation can help quite a busy mind

lavender sprayed on pillows and sheets can be relaxing

cut the caffeine except in a.m.


How to Help Jet Lag With Herbs

How to Help Jet Lag With Herbs

Jet lag is a reaction to the time changes that travelers go through, especially on flights that span more than three time zones. Even if you’re just traveling from the west coast to Hawaii, you can be thrown off—your body might want to start the day at 4:00 a.m. for the first two or three days after you arrive. Longer flights can cause more symptoms, such as pressure in your head, dizziness, depression and even nausea. But it’s possible to avoid some of the discomfort jet lag can cause by following the suggestions here.

Things You'll Need:

Siberian ginseng root

St. John’s wort leaf

Shisandra berries

Echinacea root

Wild oats


Avoid the temptation to drink alcohol on your flight. Jet lag mixed with a hangover is not a pleasant condition in which to find yourself. Instead, choose water.


Certain herbs can help your body cope with stress. Try taking Siberian ginseng root, either in capsules or as a tea, for several days before you fly, and continue taking it afterward. If you make tea, drink one cup two or three times each day. If you take bottled capsules, follow label instructions for dosage amounts.


For frequent flyers, or if your jet lag always seems to hit you hard, consider taking St. John’s wort for three or four weeks before you travel and continue for about one week after your trip is over. St. John’s wort is available in capsules and tincture: these are the easiest ways to take it. Follow label instructions.


Food can have a lot to do with the symptoms of jet lag. If you can last without food for the duration of your flight, consider a brief fast. If this is not possible, eat lightly, avoiding fried food and favoring fresh fruits and vegetables.


Go for a run or join an aerobics class before and after your travels. The aerobic activity can help to ward off many of the symptoms of jet lag.

Tips & Warnings

To make tea from the herbs listed, simply add one teaspoon of each herb for each four cups of water. Simmer the mixture for about 20 minutes, and then allow to cool slightly and strain. Drink one cup of tea three times each day, before your meals.

This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The use of herbal products should not be taken lightly. Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before using any herb, especially if you are pregnant or nursing or if you are taking any prescribed medications.

How to help Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

How to help Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

I have lived with IBS with Constipation for over 12 years. I have had flare up after flare up. I have been to the doctor over and over, year after year with no relief, Until now...

As with all natural remedies give it some time to kick in.

Aloe Vera does not cure IBS it only helps to relieve symptoms.
But for me after 12 years of suffering with a bloated stomach more days than not, I am finally feeling normal again.

Things You'll Need:

Aloe Vera Gel or Juice Make sure it is the edible quality and as pure as you can find. The Aloe Vera Gel seems to work better for Constipation.


Mix 2 to 4 oz. with 4 to 8 oz. of your favorite juice


Drink once to twice daily


Aloe Vera has many healing qualities
I also have a small ulcer that was hindering me from eating many of my favorite foods. The Aloe Vera helps to soothe the ulcer and keeps me eating the foods I like.

Tips & Warnings

There are no known side effects from Aloe Vera. It has been used for Centuries and has many healing qualities.

How to Use Hot Stone Therapy

How to Use Hot Stone Therapy

Hot stone therapy involves using water-heated stones on key points of the body. This relaxes your body and opens you to the full benefits of a subsequent massage. The use of hot stone therapy can help people with various physical problems, including muscular aches, poor circulation, arthritis, Fibromyalgia, MS, back pain, stress, anxiety, tension insomnia and depression.


Experience a hot stone therapy session with a licensed practitioner. Your therapist will use traditional Swedish massage strokes while holding a heated stone. As one stone cools, your therapist will replace it with another.


Relax as the warmth penetrates your tight muscles. A little oil will be applied to the stones so the therapist can glide it across your skin, in essence "ironing out" your very rumpled muscles.


Know that during the massage your therapist may place some of the heated stones on your back, in your palms, in between your toes or on other areas in need of extra attention and relaxation. Towels will be used as buffers to keep the sensation comfortable.


Tell your therapist if you've had an injury to a particular muscle, or if your hands or feet have been falling asleep more than usual. These are among the conditions that can be helped with a combination warm and cold stone regime.


Enjoy the experience. Some hot stone therapists use crystals, aromatherapy and relaxing music to enhance the session. Tell your therapist if the stones become uncomfortable at any point during the session.


Teach yourself how to use hot stone therapy, either on yourself or on someone else. There are numerous on-location or home study courses available, but you must find out the certification requirements if you plan to use the skill commercially.

Tips & Warnings

Different therapists use different types of stones. Some use basalt, a smooth volcanic rock found in rivers. Others use Mexican beach pebbles, which are composed of basalt, quartzite, feldspar and dacite.

How to Use Home Remedies for Colds

How to Use Home Remedies for Colds

The common cold has many causes, but there is no cure. However, there are a few things that you can do at home, which can calm your symptoms and shorten the length of your cold. Read on to learn how to use home remedies to treat your cold and avoid the harsh side effects of many over-the-counter cold remedies.

Things You'll Need:

Vitamin C

Garlic or garlic supplements

Chicken soup

Table salt

Menthol or thyme leaves


Take Vitamin C, a proven remedy for the common cold that can ease symptoms and significantly shorten the length of your cold. Vitamin C works to boost your immune system; a dosage of 1.5 to 2 g a the onset of a cold is recommended. Eat citrus, like oranges and grapefruits, as they are high in Vitamin C.


Consume garlic. Simply put it in your mouth and chew to relieve your cold symptoms. If the garlic is too strong, you can also take garlic supplements and avoid the harsh taste and bad breath.


Eat chicken soup. This traditional home remedy is now getting attention in the medical community as a great treatment for colds. You can buy pre-made soup or make your own. The steam from the soup can help with congestion and chicken broth is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects, which will help to alleviate your symptoms.


Use salt. Make your own nasal drops for a dry and stuffy nose by adding 1/4 tsp. of table salt to about 5 ml of lukewarm water. Use one to two drops, three to four times daily. For a sore throat, gargle several times a day with 1 tsp. of salt dissolved into a glass of warm water .


Clear a blocked nose by mixing menthol or thyme leaves in a bowl of hot water. Place your nose over the bowl and cover your head with a towel, breathing deeply. A hot bath with a few drops of cinnamon can also help relieve a stuffy nose.

How to Use Home Remedies for Back Pain

How to Use Home Remedies for Back Pain

Did you try to move the immovable by pushing, twisting, bending, lifting, pulling and straining in ways you never thought possible? Now you have a terrible pain in your back. But don't worry, there are several home remedies that you can employ to get you back from that back attack.


Lie down for a day or two. The only thing you will want to do is lay in bed for a few days, and you should. Your body needs time to recover, so keep activity to a minimum for a couple of days.


Cool down your flaming back pain with ice. Ice helps to reduce strain and swelling on back muscles. For best results, massage the area with ice for seven or eight minutes, three times a day for the first couple of days.


Get out of bed as soon as the pain begins to subside. The length of your bed rest will depend on the level of severity of your injury; so, if you are still hurting after two days, it doesn't hurt to rest another day. However, lounging too long can do you more harm than good.


Relieve your pain with heat after the first few days of ice. Use a soft towel and place it in a basin of warm water and wring it out. Lie chest down with support under your hips and ankles and place the towel on your back. Put some plastic wrap over the towel to hold in the heat and place a heating pad on top, set to medium heat.

Tips & Warnings

Some back pain will not respond to home remedies and will require a visit to the doctor. If you experience pain for no apparent reason or have other symptoms like fever, stomach ache, chest pain or difficulty breathing, or if your pain last more than two weeks without relief, see a doctor.

How to Use Herbs to Treat Endometriosis

How to Use Herbs to Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition that affects up to 10 percent of the women in America and is responsible for many cases of infertility. Since women suffer for years with this condition and often have to take hormone-altering medication that can produce extreme side effects, many endometriosis sufferers are eager to find treatments which are effective without producing the side effects. Herbal remedies are a kinder, gentler way of treating endometriosis.


Balance your estrogen by taking vitex berries and eating soy. These substances naturally help regulate estrogen which is the cause of endometriosis.


Treat your liver, which helps clear excess estrogen, with Burdock root or milk thistle.


Reduce bleeding and cramps during your period with red raspberry, wild yam, evening primrose and ginger.


Apply castor oil packs to the pelvic area to relieve pain.


Take baths with drops of chamomile and
oil to reduce inflammation.


Boost your immune system with Echinacea and Vitamin C.


Experiment by drinking the above-mentioned herbs in a tea form. Boil a teaspoon of each kind of herb for a few minutes, strain and drink as a tea with honey.

Tips & Warnings

Keep in mind herbal remedies do not work immediately. You will need patience, since it can take a few weeks before you will see results from herbal remedies. However, the patience pays off, since you can comfortably take herbal remedies long term.

Don't assume that herbs have no side effects. If you do not feel well after taking a certain herb, discontinue use.

How to Take Ginger for Health

How to Take Ginger for Health

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a perennial that originates from southern China, although its commercial cultivation has now spread to the Caribbean, India, Southeast Asia and West Africa. The term "ginger" also applies to the rhizome (underground stem) of the plant that is used as a spice and for medicinal purposes. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of ginger. Ginger has been used as a medicine in China for more than 2,000 years primarily to treat diarrhea, indigestion, nausea and stomach upset. It also has been given for other ailments such as arthritis, colic and heart conditions.


Take ginger for mild stomach upset, nausea or vomiting or as recommended by a health professional. The important active ingredients are thought to be volatile oils and phenols such as gingerols and shogaols.


Look at the results from modern scientific testing of ginger. Ginger has been studied extensively and some trials have shown it may be more effective than placebo in treating motion sickness. Other studies have shown it to be less effective than commonly prescribed medication.


Study the side effects of ginger. These are rare but large doses can cause belching, mild heartburn and stomach upset. These can be relieved by taking ginger as a capsule. You should not take ginger if you have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood-thinning medication.


Take no more than four grams of ginger per day. The recommended dose of ginger as a dietary supplement should be limited to 2 g when standardized to 4-percent volatile oils.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Wide-Leg Pants (Women)

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Wide-Leg Pants (Women)

Wide-leg pants are a classic suit component, and complement full figures well. Look for shoes that balance the width of the pants.

Things You'll Need:


Women's Boots

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Sandals


Choose pumps that have a wider heel and toe for dressier work environments. This will balance the foot with the apparently wider leg.


Pair wide-leg trousers with leather loafers for a casual work look or dressy leisure look. Match the color of your belt to that of your shoes.


Match ankle or knee-high boots with heavier pants in the winter. Ensure that the boots fit snugly to avoid indenting the pant legs. Choose a wider heel over a thin or pointed one.


Dress down casual cotton pants with wide-toe canvas sneakers, or dress them up with round-toe slip-on sandals with chunky heels.


Remember that black is the dressiest shoe color and will complement most outfits, except for pastel ones. Brown will make a rich contrast to navy or tan pants, but is definitely viewed as more casual than black.


Shine leather shoes regularly for a more polished appearance, and to extend the life of your shoes.

Tips & Warnings

When your good leather shoes get caught in the rain or land in a puddle, blot the excess moisture and air-dry them. Avoid drying them with any heat sources, as this will parch the leather and damage the shoes.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Straight-Leg Pants (Women)

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Straight-Leg Pants (Women)

Change your shoes as you move from day to evening, casual to dressy. Straight-leg pants are perfect for many occasions.

Things You'll Need:


Women's Boots

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Sandals


Pair straight-leg pants with medium-heeled pumps or loafers for a classic office look.


Choose hose or thin nylon socks that match the color of your shoes to achieve a dressier look. The lighter the stocking, the more casual the look.


Dress up straight-leg cotton or nylon casual pants with quilted ballet slippers or flirty mules.


Opt for ankle boots during the winter months. Make sure your pants hang comfortably over the top. Since they may ride up when you sit down and cross your legs, choose socks that work well with the rest of your ensemble.


Go for canvas sneakers or walking shoes when you can dress down, but must stay on your feet or do a lot of running around.


Create the illusion of longer legs by matching your shoes to the color of your pants.


Remember that black is the dressiest color, while brown is viewed as more casual. Match the color of your belt to that of your shoes.

Tips & Warnings

When your good leather shoes get caught in the rain or land in a puddle, blot the excess moisture and air-dry them. Avoid drying them with any heat sources, as this will parch the leather and damage the shoes.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Khaki Pants

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Khaki Pants

Khakis are the ultimate casual outfit staple. Pair them with loafers for business casual, or with canvas sneakers for running errands.

Things You'll Need:

Men's Dress Shoes

Men's Sandals

Tennis Shoes

Women's Sandals


Wear loafers with your khakis when the occasion is business casual. A rich brown shoe is a stylish contrast for most outfits. Choose black when wearing a black top and belt.


Men: Consider saddle shoes, the sueded oxford, as another business casual option, or for a casual evening out with friends. Match the color of your socks to that of your shoes.


Women: Pair straight-leg pants with low-heeled slide sandals. Wear chunkier shoes, such as clogs, with wider-leg pants. Avoid pumps and strappy sandals, as they're too dressy for these pants.


Dress your outfit down with a pair of canvas sneakers. Navy is the most popular dark basic, while white and ivory are popular light colors.


Forgo socks or hose with khakis. Bare ankles have become a popular accessory of many khaki wearers. When socks are a must, choose lightweight blends that complement the color of your top.

Tips & Warnings

When your leather shoes get caught in the rain or land in a puddle, blot the excess moisture and air-dry them. Avoid drying them with any heat sources, as this will parch the leather and damage the shoes.

Check with the manufacturer before throwing your sneakers into the washing machine. The ink from a label or trim may bleed into the body of the shoe.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Jeans

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Jeans

Jeans, the most celebrated fashion item America has created, can be paired with just about any of your shoes. Jeans are versatile, fun and always understood.

Things You'll Need:

Men's Boots

Men's Dress Shoes

Men's Sandals

Tennis Shoes

Women's Boots

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Sandals


Consider the color of the denim. The darker the color, the dressier the jeans.


Remember that denim is a heavy material, and it should be coupled with shoes of a heavier weight, such as leather.


Pair dark blue or black jeans with leather sandals or Mary Jane-style pumps for an informal evening out.


Choose ankle boots or loafers when the climate gets cooler. Match socks to shoes for a dressier look, or incorporate a color that complements your top for a preppier contrast.


Wear cowboy boots or knee-high boots with boot-cut jeans. The wider leg will allow the shaft of the pant to hang comfortably over the boot. Tucking jeans into boots is a rather awkward look and can become uncomfortable.


Have some fun with color. Any color shoe will work with jeans. Match your shoe color to the color found in your top, or the trim of your jeans.


Be comfortable. Athletic shoes, including running shoes, hiking boots and after-swim slip-ons, have gained wide appeal and acceptance as the ultracasual mate to denim. Socks are optional, but wear them with longer jeans for a more balanced look.

Tips & Warnings

Women: When venturing out in sandals, remember your toes! Touch up toenail polish, and ensure that the color complements your outfit.

When your good leather shoes get caught in the rain or land in a puddle, blot the excess moisture and air dry. Avoid drying them with any heat sources, as this will parch the leather and damage the shoe.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Capri Pants

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Capri Pants

The capri pant can be sporty, flirty or elegant, depending on the shoe accompanying it.

Things You'll Need:


Women's Boots

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dancing Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Sandals


Choose a canvas sneaker for a casual look. This makes a great vacation ensemble or weekend day look.


Be flirty with a midheeled, strappy sandal or wedge slip on. This look works well for pool parties and summer barbecues.


Opt for a heeled mule or ballet slipper for a more elegant look. Consider this for a summer night on the town or evening party.


Go bare. Socks and hose rarely look good with capris.


Have some fun with color. Try a bold primary or soft pastel to give your outfit some pizzazz.


Remember capris are lightweight and casual. Loafers are too heavy a shoe, while pumps are inappropriate.

Tips & Warnings

Check your toenail polish before heading out in sandals. Touch up chipped polish, and ensure the color of your polish works well with your outfit.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Bermuda Shorts

How to Select Shoes to Wear With Bermuda Shorts

Bermudas, those great shorts that hit just above the knee, remain the perfect vacation or summer afternoon wardrobe staple. Dress them up with a classic loafer, or keep it sporty with a canvas sneaker.

Things You'll Need:

Men's Sandals

Tennis Shoes

Women's Sandals


Pair Bermudas with canvas sneakers, walking shoes, flat leather sandals or a leather loafer. Athletic shoes will make a very casual substitute to the sneaker. Women: Pumps and strappy sandals are too dressy for this short.


Go for a rich brown leather loafer to dress up your Bermudas. Where a black loafer when wearing a black top.


Consider a sneaker color that will work with most of your casual wardrobe. Navy is the most popular dark basic, while white and ivory remain the lighter colors of choice.


Shop a few stores before settling on a sneaker. Just about every shoe resource offers a version of the canvas tennis shoe, so consider a few different styles and fits before making your purchase. Prices will vary dramatically.


Wear short socks if you decide not to slip shoes on your bare feet. Knee socks are very unflattering when worn with Bermudas.

Tips & Warnings

Polish leather shoes regularly, as it will lengthen their life and keep your best foot forward.

Check with the manufacturer before throwing your sneakers into the washing machine. The ink from a label or trim may bleed into the body of the shoe.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Woman's Suit

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Woman's Suit

Yes, you can get away with just a few pairs of shoes to coordinate with your multiple suits. Buy basic, yet classic, and spend a little more up front to ensure a longer life.

Things You'll Need:

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes


Start with a basic black mid- to high-heel pump. You can wear this shoe with straight-leg pantsuits as well as skirted suits. Pumps truly are a businesswoman's staple.


Consider a pair of leather loafers for a more casual look. This style is appropriate for both wide- and straight-leg pants, as well as your basic straight skirt. Black is the most versatile and the dressiest color; dark brown will make a rich contrast to navy, but will definitely be viewed as more casual.


Buy a pair of sling-back pumps for spring suits. They're elegant and classic, and widely accepted in less conservative work environments.


Decide on a heel height that gives you the lift you'd like, but make sure that your feet can handle 40- to 80-hour work weeks at that elevation. Covered heels are dressier than their stacked (wood-heeled) counterparts.


Invest in high-quality, well-made shoes that fit your feet. Over the long haul, your feet will be in better condition, and your shoes will last longer.


Consider the texture and weight of your suit's fabric. Heavier-weight fabrics call for leather, whereas a microfiber shoe is appropriate for silk and nylon blends.


Shine leather shoes regularly. This lengthens the life of the shoe and conveys a more professional and polished appearance.


Resole your pumps as they wear down at the rubber or plastic tipping. Neglecting this may saw your heel down to the leather stem and damage the shoe.

Tips & Warnings

When your leather shoes get caught in the rain or land in a puddle, blot the excess moisture and air dry. Avoid drying them with any heat sources, as this will parch the leather and damage the shoe.

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Miniskirt

How to Select Shoes to Wear With a Miniskirt

When you dare to bare your legs in a miniskirt, dress your outfit up or dress it down with the right shoes.

Things You'll Need:

Women's Boots

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dancing Shoes

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Sandals


Consider the occasion. For casual day activities, look at dressy thongs and satin ballet slippers. Dress up a miniskirt with low-heeled mules, wedge-heeled slip-on sandals or low-heeled strappy sandals.


Dress in knee-high boots for a retro look. The boot heel should be a covered wedge that matches the color of the boot.


Pair the short skirt with loafers and tights in the winter. Add some pizzazz by wearing textured or patterned tights.


Consider color. A black shoe will match just about everything, except pastels. If you choose a colored shoe, opt for tones that are a shade or two darker than your outfit or its main accent color.


Avoid wearing high pumps and stiletto heels with miniskirts, as this combination may be perceived as a bit tacky.

Tips & Warnings

Check your toes before you head out in sandals. Ensure that your toenail polish is intact and the color complements your outfit.